Shamanic Dreaming Workshop
Exploring dreams through myths, symbols, and imagination
Have you ever woken from a dream and it stays with? You know it has a deeper meaning but unsure of its purpose? Dreams have a power and a voice that moves us to connect to our instinctual, soulful, and creative selves. They are medicine.
In this class, we will align with our deeper selves and step through the doorway to learn a powerful way to dream and explore profound healing through modern dreamwork, shamanic practices, and creativity. We will connect with our guardians, ancestors, nature spirits, crystals, and access parallel worlds that allows us to merge with our true selves and to bring that energy into a conscious way of living. In this workshop, we will explore:
1. Guided journeys
2. Dream oracle games
3. Active dreamwork
4. Dream re-entry, tracking, and dream seeking
5. Home play assignments, journaling, and creative expression
Class space is limited so please register early. Tuition is $49.
“Thank you Kim! I didn’t think that anyone would be able to make sense of my dreams. You were able to help me understand them in a way I couldn’t even imagine. I had no idea how valuable this would be for me.”
About Classes & Workshops
Kim's classes are part modern dreamwork, shamanic practices, and creativity, and give you the basis for learning Active Dreaming as pioneered by Robert Moss. In these classes we will learn:
1. Core concepts and techniques of Active Dreaming. We'll explore dream landscapes in a fun and original way that empowers and open us up to deeper experiences. This will include Lightning Dreamwork and the Oracle Game.
2. Shamanic Journeying. We'll use shamanic techniques to shift our consciousness and enter into lucid states of dreaming. We'll explore how to step back into a dream and use techniques such as tracking and seeking to get feedback and help us find and explore our inner myths and symbols.
3. Personal and Creative Engagement. We'll use our creativity and intuition to delve into our dreams through collage and dream theatre.
“I’ve been doing dream work with Kim over the past 4-5 years. She is caring, insightful, and creative and has always provided a calm and comfortable atmosphere for me to explore my dreams and thoughts. Working with her has really allowed me to experience a shift in my view of the world and most of all myself. Thank you!”
Previous Workshops Include:
Active Dreaming
Creativity and Dreaming
Ancestral Healing
Shadow Work: Dark & Golden
Parallel Lives
Spirit Guides and Power Animals
Tarot and Dreaming
Soul Retrieval